
From Procurement to Executive Leadership!

Hear from the CEO of a company, part of a $4 billion conglomerate.

Join us for another episode of Procurement Mastermind™ featuring a game-changing conversation between Omid Ghamami, CPSCM™ and Rajesh Mohata, CEO & Executive Director at Jindal Lifestyle.

📣 Catch up now and gain insights into cracking & thriving in breakout leadership roles.

For the longest time, professionals have lacked the structure + safe space to crack & thrive in breakout procurement and executive roles.

You can build a compounding career by being in the top 1%

If you are thinking of really building a compounding career, CPSCM™ might be the right community of procurement leaders who can build value and competitive edge. With over 3000 procurement executives nailing their career bets inside the CPSCM™ membership experience, this is your tribe.